
What is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation, often referred to a Confession, is a time for a person to receive spiritual healing and forgiveness for their sins committed since their baptism.

Receiving Reconciliation for the First Time

Reconciliation is typically received for the first time by young Catholics at age 7 or during their 2nd grade year. For more information on preparing your child for this sacrament, please click here.

If you have an older child, above 2nd grade, who would like to receive First Reconciliation, please contact Renie Prengaman by calling 724-787-2207 or emailing


Reconciliation for the Sick and Homebound

If you or someone you know is homebound or in need of a pastoral visit and Reconciliation, please notify the parish office at 724-834-9045 so we can arrange for a priest to visit.